Ibm spss statistics 19.0
Ibm spss statistics 19.0

Testing a Hypothesis about a Single MeanExamining the DataThe T Distribution Calculating the T StatisticConfidence Intervals Other Confidence Levels Confidence Interval for a Difference Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis TestsNull Hypotheses and Alternative Hypotheses Rejecting the Null HypothesisSummaryWhat's Next?How to Obtain a One-Sample T Test Options: Confidence Level and Missing DataExercises 13. The Normal DistributionThe Normal Distribution Samples from a Normal Distribution Means from a Normal Population Are the Sample Results Unlikely? Testing a Hypothesis Means from Non-Normal Distributions Means from a Uniform DistributionSummaryWhat's Next?Exercises 12. Evaluating Results from SamplesFrom Sample to Population A Computer Model The Effect of Sample Size The Binomial TestSummaryWhat's Next?Exercises 11. Plotting DataExamining Population Indicators Simple Scatterplots Scatterplot Matrices Overlay Plots Three-Dimensional Plots Identifying Unusual Points Rotating 3-D ScatterplotsSummaryWhat's Next?How to Obtain a Scatterplot Obtaining a Simple Scatterplot Obtaining an Overlay Scatterplot Obtaining a Scatterplot Matrix Obtaining a 3-D Scatterplot Editing a ScatterplotExercises PART 3. Counting Responses for Combinations of VariablesLibrary Use and Education Row and Column Percentages Bar Charts Adding Control Variables Library Use and the InternetSummaryWhat's Next?How to Obtain a Crosstabulation Layers: Three or More Variables at Once Cells: Percentages, Expected Counts, and Residuals Bivariate Statistics Format: Adjusting the Table FormatExercises 9. Looking at DistributionsMarathon Completion Times Age and Gender Marathon Times for Mature RunnersSummaryWhat's Next?How to Explore Distributions Explore Statistics Graphical Displays OptionsExercises 8. Comparing GroupsAge, Education, and Internet Use Plotting Means Layers: Defining Subgroups by More than One VariableSummaryWhat's Next?How to Obtain Subgroup Means Layers: Defining Subgroups by More than One Variable Options: Additional Statistics and Display of LabelsExercises 7. Computing Descriptive StatisticsSummarizing Data Scales of Measurement Mode, Median, and Arithmetic Average Comparing Mean and MedianSummarizing Time Spent OnlineMeasures of Variability Range Variance and Standard Deviation The Coefficient of VariationStandard ScoresSummaryWhat's Next?How to Obtain Univariate Descriptive Statistics Options: Choosing Statistics and Sorting VariablesExercises 6. Counting ResponsesDescribing Variables A Simple Frequency Table Sorting Frequency Tables Pie Charts Bar ChartsSummarizing Internet Time Histograms Mode and Median PercentilesSummaryWhat's Next?How to Obtain a Frequency Table Format: Appearance of the Frequency Table Statistics: Univariate Statistics Charts: Bar Charts, Pie Charts, and HistogramsExercises 5.

ibm spss statistics 19.0

Sources of DataKnow Your DataSurvey Data Asking the Question Measuring Time Selecting Participants Selecting a Sample General Social Survey Random-Digit Dialing Internet SurveysDesigning Experiments Random Assignment Minimizing BiasSummaryWhat's Next?Exercises PART 2. An Introductory Tour of IBM SPSS StatisticsStarting IBM SPSS Statistics Help Is Always at HandCopying the Data FilesOpening a Data FileStatistical Procedures The Viewer Window Viewer ObjectsThe Data Editor Window Entering Non-Numeric Data Clearing the Data Editor without Saving ChangesThe IBM SPSS Statistics Online TutorialThe IBM SPSS Statistics ToolbarThe IBM SPSS Statistics Help System Contextual HelpWhat's Next? 3. IntroductionAbout This BookGetting Started with IBM SPSS Statistics Describing Data Testing Hypotheses Examining Relationships Lets Get Started 2. GETTING STARTED WITH IBM SPSS STATISTICS1. Xviii, 651 pages : illustrations + 2 CD-ROMs 23 cm +

Ibm spss statistics 19.0